谭敏佳,现任中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员、课题组长。2003 年毕业于复旦大学药学院,2008 年在中国科学院上海药物研究所获得博士学位,并获中国科学院院长优秀奖。2008 年至2012 年在美国芝加哥大学Ben May 肿瘤研究所进行博士后研究。

目前主要研究领域为生物质谱学、蛋白质组学和蛋白质翻译后修饰研究。主要运用和发展基于生物质谱的各种新型蛋白质组学技术,对蛋白质及其修饰的细胞通路及功能进行高效、系统的分析。并运用生物质谱学、蛋白质组学、化学生物学等手段,对蛋白修饰调控酶进行相关药物靶标及生物标志物研究。通过综合运用生物质谱等蛋白质组学技术手段,对生物体内调控表观遗传学功能的关键分子—组蛋白及其修饰进行了系统性的研究,鉴定出包括赖氨酸甲基化、二甲基化、三甲基化、乙酰化、甲酰化、精氨酸甲基化、酪氨酸羟基化等在内的67 个新蛋白修饰位点,大大丰富了染色质表观遗传标记的内容。发现并确证了组蛋白一种与精子发育密切相关的新型表观遗传修饰—赖氨酸巴豆酰化,为细胞生理机制及疾病发生机制的研究提供了新信息。同时,鉴定并确证了一种在生命进化中保守的新型蛋白修饰-赖氨酸琥珀酰化,并首次对该蛋白修饰通路进行系统性的研究,发现了一系列琥珀酰修饰的蛋白底物,揭示了该修饰是一种普遍存在的修饰,并与细胞能量代谢、蛋白翻译等生物学过程密切相关,提示该新修饰可能有重要的生理功能。


1. Chen, Y., Zhao, W., Yang, J.S., Cheng, Z., Luo, H., Lu, Z., Tan.M., Gu, W., Zhao Y.Quantitative acetylome analysis reveals the roles of SIRT1 in regulating diverse substrates and cellular pathways. (2012). Mol Cell Proteomics. In press

2. Li, N., Kon, N., JIang, L., Tan.M., Ludwig, T., Zhao, Y., Baer, R., W., G.(2012).Tumor suppression in the absence of p53-mediated cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence.Cell 149,1269-1283.

3. Xie Z., Dai J., Dai L., Tan M., Cheng Z, Wu Y, Boeke JD, Zhao Y.Lysine succinylation and lysine malonylation in histones.(2012). Mol Cell Proteomics11,100-107

4. Tan M., Luo H., Lee S. , Jin F., Yang J.S., Montellier E., Buchou T., Cheng Z., Rousseaux S., Rajagopal N., Lu Z., Ye Z., Zhu Q., Wysocka J., Ye Y., Khochbin S., Ren B., Zhao Y. (2011). Identification of 67 histone marks and histone lysine crotonylation as a new type of histone modification. Cell 146, 1016-1028

5. Peng, C., Lu, Z., Xie, Z., Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Tan.M., Luo, H., Zhang, Y., He, W., Yang, K., Zwaans, B.M., Tishkoff, D., Ho, L., Lombard, D., He, T.C., Dai, J., Verdin, E., Ye, Y., Zhao, Y. (2011). The first identification of lysine malonylation substrates and its regulatory enzyme. Mol Cell Proteomics.M111.012658

6. Zhang, Z.*, Tan.M.* (co-first author), Xie, Z., Dai, L., Chen, Y., Zhao, Y. (2011). Identification of lysine succinylation as a new post-translational modification. Nature ChemBiol7, 58-63

7. Tan.M., Yin, C., Tang, C.P., Ke, C.Q., Lin, G., Ye, Y. Antitussive indole alkaloids from Kopsiahainanensis. (2011). Planta Med77, 939-44

8. Samant ,S.A., Courson, D.S., Sundaresan, N.R., Pillai, V.B., Tan.M., Zhao, Y., Shroff, S.G., Rock, R.S., Gupta, M.P. (2011). HDAC3-dependent reversible lysine acetylation of cardiac myosin heavy chain isoforms modulates their enzymatic and motor activity. J BiolChem286, 5567-77.

9. Kuo, H.P., Lee, D.F., Chen, C.T., Liu, M., Chou, C.K., Lee, H.J., Du, Y., Xie, X.M., Wei, Y.K., Xia, W.Y., Weihua, Z., Yang J.Y., Yen, C.J., Huang, T.H., Tan.M., Xing, G.,Zhao, Y., Lin, C.H., Tsai, S.F., Fidler, I.J., Hung, M.C. (2010). ARD1 stabilization of TSC2 suppresses tumorigenesis through the mTOR signaling pathway. Sci Signal 3, ra9.

10. Tan.M., Ye, J.M., Turner, N., Hohnen-Behrens, C., Ke, C.Q., Tang, C.P., Chen, T., Weiss, H.C., Gesing, E.R., Rowland, A., James, D.E., Ye, Y.(2008). Antidiabetic activities of triterpenoids isolated from bitter melon associated with activation of the AMPK pathway. ChemBiol 15, 263-273.